Welcome, Beautiful!

Welcome Beautiful! I am SO glad you decided to stop by. I am simply sharing some of my natural hair experiences... the good, the bad, and the frizzy! Whether you're currently relaxed, transitioning, or on this natural journey with me, I hope you find something of use on this blog.. .. if not, I love you anyway. Stay beautiful! =)

Friday, August 12, 2011

My Biggest Regret in This Journey

I love to look at people Natural Hair Stories! They're always so fun and inspiring. Many have different reasons for going natural and that's even more interesting. My biggest regret is not documenting the first few months of my journey. I was very self conscious about my short, curl fro. So the day after I cut it, I put a half wig on it. Since I transitioned for a few months, I was able to braid it up and install a sew in after THAT. THEN, once the new year started, I went and got zillions (Micro Braids). I kept those in for about three months. Altogether, I missed the first 5 months of my natural hair journey. I wore my fro for the first time on my 20th birthday. But I stayed in the house the whole time. My friends came over, some excited to see my flaunting it, other not so encouraging. I wore it that entire week, before making a quick weave cap. I wore that weave for about a week when I decided enough was enough. I started wearing my hair out in public and even taking a few pictures. My earliest picture is from my 20th Birthday. In reality, that was a year of growth, since I started transitioning the day of my 19th birthday. My advice to the newly naturals that may have some of those feelings I did, FLAUNT IT! Be confident in your TWA, its only teeny weeny for a moment. Before you know it, it'll be big and juicy! lol Take lost of pictures and document your growth... you won't regret it! ;)

Then..... (May 3, 2010)

NOW!.... (August 12, 2011)


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