Welcome, Beautiful!

Welcome Beautiful! I am SO glad you decided to stop by. I am simply sharing some of my natural hair experiences... the good, the bad, and the frizzy! Whether you're currently relaxed, transitioning, or on this natural journey with me, I hope you find something of use on this blog.. .. if not, I love you anyway. Stay beautiful! =)

Natural Diva of the Month!

August 2011

LaToya Madison

This 20 year old Natural Diva is doing the DANG THANG okay?! lol

LaToya has been natural for 8 months now, 5 of those transitioning and the latter 3, relaxer free! (I wasn't trying to rhyme but heyy now! lol). Although her hair was long, LaToya was tired of her unhealthy hair (due to heat damage) and decided it was time to join #teamnatural. Her Favorite products include her own Shea Butter Mixture, EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) & her favorite Shampoo & Conditioner, V05's "Free me Freesia". Since she doesn't really like gel, she occasionally uses Care Free Curl Gold (for the baby hairs lol). Her Natural Hair pet peeves are the two different textures that she has in her hair 3c/4a and 4b and that her hair can often get really dry. However, she's getting to know her hair and what it likes and need in order to stay moisturized. Overall, LaToya is loving her Natural Hair! She's really proud of her growth and so am I!

In her words, "Natural Hair is a wonderful journey, and well worth it!" GO TOYA! =) She wears her TWA beautifully, wouldn't you agree?!

Stay tuned for next months Natural Diva of the Month! =)
Thanks Toya!